At the date July 16th, 2013. My sister in law borned a baby boy. They live in Jogjakarta anyway.
Then, they call us (my mom, dad, and me) to tell about this new baby born. We are so happy to hear the news you know :') because the obstetricians predicted that the baby would be borned on the earlier August. So, we made a plan to make a trip to Jogja. And my dad already decided that we would go there H+5 Idul Fitri, about August 17th.
Wanna meet the cute baby boy? :3 Here you go!
(View weeks later)
This was the time!
(I don't wanna tell the story completely haha :p)
(So, I wanna jump the story a view months later)
(My mom and her second grandchildren)
His parents named their first son: M. Faiz Ramadhan, Rama for the nick. Inshaa Allah this baby will grow up under Allah's blessings. Amin.
Now, Rama is 3,5 monts. You know what????????? His weight is 7,5 kg dan popoknya udah pake yang ukuran L ajeee-______-
Curious? Here I give you his recent picture
Ndut banget ya? Iya, banget :') rasanya pengen tsubit-tsubit :')
Yodah, segitu aja dulu deh ya hahaaha (I'm not a good story teller :p)